
I take extreme pride in this website. I have put countless hours into this site and I am most proud that it is not laced with ads, popups, and things that drive most people insane.

I would love to keep this site 100% free, free of ads (With the exception of the right side bar), and free of junk cluttering the page.

If you like my page, and find value in it - you can support me in one of 2 ways.

Option 1 - A small donation

Click here to donate. I will leave the amount up to you - however, a coffee at Starbucks is about $5.00. Buy me a coffee (And no my order is not a paragraph long - simple Venti Mocha! Just like my site - its THAT simple.


Option 2 - Buy my book

Some people like to have a recipe book on printed paper. I can respect that. Volume 1 of this book is available on Amazon. Buy a copy.

And if you don't wish to donate - at least drop me a note and say hi! Tell me what you think of the site. Tell me what you like and don't like. I would love to hear from you. Can't think of anything to say? Drop me your favorite Dad joke - so I can make my kids groan in pain by listening to yet one more horrible joke!

Contact me